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// Technical Upstream Services

Seismic Consultants

Syntillica has the expertise to offer end-to-end consulting support in the areas of seismic survey tendering, design, acquisition and processing services. Seismic acquisition has been the mainstay of exploration and field development for decades.

In that time the technology underlying both acquisition and processing has increased enormously in a highly competitive market. To make the most suitable choices for seismic from a cost benefit viewpoint is no easy matter.

We take an independent and rigorous view of contractor performance to provide assessment and advice on tendering and selection. We also have the technical expertise to offer survey design, acquisition and processing QC services to guide you on the path from concept to geophysical interpretation, quantitative analysis and more.

Syntillica also offers Site Investigation services: Geo-Hazard or Shallow Hazard Assessment. Integration of specialist geophysical interpretation, geotechnical, geological and environmental information to identify near surface risks to drilling, pipelines and rig infrastructure.

Our Expertise

// Industry Experience

Seismic Advisor

Industry Experience
  • Principal Consultant
  • 22 years’ oil industry experience
  • Technical knowledge of all areas of acquisition seismic: modelling, acquisition and processingCommercial capability of tendering, budgeting and contractor selection for acquisition.
  • Acquisition types covered: 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, non-seismic (e.g. gravity).
  • Global experience on exploration, appraisal and development projects
  • Acquisition regimes: Land, Marine, Transition Zone, Seabed.
  • Processing flow design and QC. PSTM, PSDM, RTM, Multi-Component.
  • Clients range from independents, large multi-nationals and national operators.
  • Experience gained with EPI, Tullow, Veritas DGC.
  • PhD in Geophysics.
  • Example work: Canadian Natural Resources, Dana Petroleum, ENI, Gazprom, Genel, Ghana NPC, Hague and London, Hellenic, Hess, JKX, Ophir Energy, Providence Resources, Shell, Sound Energy, Tullow.
  • Software: Numerous including: OpenCPS, Hampson-Russell, SurvOPT, Gandalf, Kingdom, Omega II, MESA etc.
  • ERP00103
// Industry Experience

Seismic Operations Consultant

  • Principal Consultant
  • 43 years’ oil industry experience
  • Experience gained with international oil service companies providing seismic acquisition, data processing and data management services
  • Clients include national and international oil companies in multiple overseas locations.
  • Strong background in data processing and acquisition, marketing, sales and operational management of new ventures and joint operations with indigenous companies.
  • Strong technical and commercial skills. General Manager status with both Schlumberger (CIS and Russia), Veritas DGC (Middle East), and Upstream Petroleum Consultants (Middle East and East Africa)
  •  BSc in Engineering.
  • Example work: ADNOC, Canargo, Conoco, Dome International, ELF Exploration, Gaz du Cameroun, Mobil, Range Resources, Schlumberger, Shell, Veritas DGC, Victoria Oil and Gas, WesternGeco.
  • ERP00105
// Industry Experience

Seismic Processing Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal Consultant
  • 30 years’ oil industry experience
  • 30 years’ experience in the industry, 23 years in 2D and 3D marine seismic processing and acquisition, with land seismic data processing and acquisition operations, survey design, tendering and parameter selection.
  • Physics graduate with initial contractor experience in seismic data processing with Geco and marine field processing with Geco, Digicon and Veritas DGC, finally running the Stavanger processing Centre for Veritas DGC. Subsequently transferred into client representation QC and broadened experience into land acquisition and processing. Parallel career in training and education continues through training roles within the industry.
  • Processing:
    • Land Processing supervision and hands on test line processing for land data including thrust belt zones, carbonate areas and imaging through surface basalt.
    • MarineProcessing of 3D and 2D Atlantic continental margin deepwater surveys.
  • Acquisition:
    • Land Acquisition experience includes 2D and 3D vibroseis, dynamite operations, Nodal acquisition and evaluation of slip-sweep continuous recording methods.
    • Marine Acquisition experience includes 2D and 3D on 12 and 16 streamer 3d vessels, including some HSE client representation and reporting. QC of fixed sea-bed nodes.
  • Familiar with recent acquisition developments, including Marine de-ghosting techniques, including deep-tow, broadband source methods processing to a broadband result from conventional acquisition techniques. land nodal, single source and overlapping sweep methods.
  • Prince2 certified project manager.
  •  MA in Physics & Geology (Camb).
  • Example work: BP, Cairn India, Centrica, Echo Energy, Gulf Keystone, GNPC, NNPC, Perenco, Petrogas,PetroCanada, Petroleum, Savannah Petroleum, Shell, Staatsolie,Texaco,Tullow.
  • ERP00102
// Industry Experience

Seismic Processing Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal Level Consultant
  • 30 years’ oil industry experience with continuous publication record
  • Expert consultant, specialised in seismic acquisition, processing, imaging, training, seismic survey planning, high performance computing and geophysical research with focus on seismic modelling and research and access to a unique suite of quality control systems.
  • Training courses on seismic processing and reservoir geophysics have been attended by 800 oil industry professionals in Malaysia, UK, US, Norway, India, Egypt, Libya and Canada and have received excellent reviews. Online and Classroom options are available.
  • A major strength is in working with interpreters to identify difficulties and then solving these problems by application of the appropriate geophysical technology.
  • Bespoke seismic and data analysis modules
  • PhD in Geophysics, BSc in Geology and Geophysics.
  • Example work: Delonex, Tullow Oil, PETRONAS, Providence Resouces, Kinsale Energy, British Gas
  • Software: Petrel, Hampson-Russell, Ikon, Norsar. Seismic Processing Packages: Promax, Seismic Unix, WesternGeco Omega, Globe-Claritas, Shearwater Reveal
  • ERP00104
// Industry Experience

Site Investigation Geophysicist

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant
  • 25 years’ oil industry experience
  • Specialist in tools, techniques and principles for collection, interpretation and production of integrated geological models and reports for consenting, geohazards and engineering requirements for offshore route and site investigation.
  • Extensive experience with process of developing offshore surveys.
  • Provision of specialist geophysical knowledge from early planning stage of survey through to final report delivery to recognised industry standards.
  • Wide-ranging project management experience
  • Experience gained in both oil and gas exploration and renewables
  •  MSc Marine Geotechnics, MSc Management.
  • Example work: Numerous operators.  
  • Software:  Kingdom, ARCGIS and CODA.
  • ERP00054

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