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// Technical Upstream Services

Geophysics Consultants

Syntillica offers expert geophysical interpretation services in exploration, appraisal and development scenarios. Interpretation of seismic data requires the geophysical technical know-how to understand the acquisition and processing flow that has produced the data.

Just as significant is the ability to interpret the data expertly while aligning mapped structures and features with geological knowledge from a range of basins and settings.

Syntillica’s geoscientists combine existing reports and prior knowledge with the client’s geophysical, geological and other data (e.g. wells, core reports etc.) to map realistic models of the subsurface. Integration of disciplines provide the ideal basis for static and later dynamic or geomechanical models.

Our Expertise

// Industry Experience

Geoscience Advisor

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant
  • 40 years oil industry experience
  • Technical knowledge of all areas of geophysics: interpretation, acquisition and processing
  • Working knowledge of most petroleum basins in the world.
  • Multiple oil and gas discoveries including North Sea, North Africa and Middle East
  • Extensive experience leading exploration, appraisal and development projects
  • Expert on Competent Person Reports, Due Diligence
  • Stock Exchange experience LSE, EUR, TSX, ASX
  • Clients range from independents, large multi-nationals and national operators.
  • Experience gained with ENI, Lasmo, Fina, Shell.
  •  PhD in Geology.
  • Example work: Charterhouse, ENI, Fina, Kerr McGee, KazMuniGas, Karachaganak Petroleum, Lasmo, Shell.
  • Software: Kingdom, Landmark, Charisma Interpretation
  • ERP00007
// Industry Experience

Geophysics Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant
  • 38 years’ oil industry experience
  • Previously Head of Geophysics for JKX with assets in Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia
  • Hands-on quantitative seismic interpretation, coordinator for seismic acquisition and processing.
  • Extensive 3d interpretation experience from Eastern Europe, North Sea and offshore Africa, working as a consultant to TAQA, Venture, Ruhrgas, Sterling Resources and African Petroleum.
  • Five years exploration interpretation for Wintershall and Conoco leading on to prospect development work.
  • Sixteen years experience working for Elf on assets in North Sea and Nigeria, using 2d, 3d seismic and AVO. Interpretation work led to the discovery of the Amenam field in the Niger Delta.
  •  MSc in Geophysics, MBA Business.
  • Example work: African Petroleum, Conoco, Elf Aquitaine, Gulf Oil, JKX, Ruhrgas, Sterling Resources, Taqa Britani, Venture Production, Wintershall.
  • Software: Kingdom, Seisworks, Charisma, IESX, CPS3, Syntool, Rave, Depth Team, VELIT, Hampson-Russell Strata and Petrel
  • ERP00052
// Industry Experience

Geophysics Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant
  • 41 years’ oil industry experience
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills with people at all levels.
  • Experience in Europe, Middle & Far East, Africa, Australia and South America business development and operations.
  • Strategy development and implementation, technical and commercial evaluation, negotiations, and corporate representation.
  • Track record of successful acquisitions and exploration/appraisal led reserves growth.
  •  BSc in Geology.
  • Example work: Experience gained with Afren, Deminex, E-On, Gaz de France, Iberdrola, KazmunaiGas, Kerr McGee, Maersk, Neste, New Age African, Phillips, Petrogas Carigali, Repsol, Sovereign, Talisman, Veba  
  • Software: Petrel, Landmark (Geoprobe & Power View), Geoquest, Scitex and Kingdom
  • ERP00055
// Industry Experience

Geophysics Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Senior level consultant
  • 19 years’ oil industry experience
  • Geophysical and geological data interpretation in production and exploration projects, prospectivity analysis.
  • 3d interpretation in both Kingdom and Petrel.
  • Experienced in seismic sequence stratigraphy and pore pressure prediction for geomechanics projects.
  • Exploration and appraisal well positioning.
  • Commercial evaluation and appraisal of Farm-in opportunities. User of REP for volumetric assessment.
  • Resourceful and practical, a good team player with strong IT, analytical and planning skills and first-class presentation skills.
  •  MSc in Geophysics, MSc in Geotechnical Engineering.
  • Example work: BP Venezuela, Cordovan, Melrose Resources, PDVSA, Statoil, Total and international consultancies
  • Software: Petrel, REP, Petrosys, ARCGIS,  IC, IP,  Kingdom
  • ERP00053
// Industry Experience

Geophysics Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Senior level consultant
  • 16 years’ oil industry experience
  • Interpretation, depth conversion, AVO Geological assessment
  • Lead and prospect risking, generation and assessment Clastic and carbonate experience
  • Qualitative and quantitative seismic methods
  • License rounds support
  • Numerate-PRMS classification and evaluation
  • Excellent technical understanding of the oil and gas life cycle and ability to adapt skills to goals and requirements of projects and clients
  • Attention to detail and ability to also consider the ‘big picture’. Creative thinker and organizer who pushes self and leads team by example
  • Leadership skills to motivate and inspire colleagues to achieve results such as project framing, project progression and able to seek and act on wide sources of expertise and advice
  • Excellent communication skills both oral and written, such as preparing and delivering presentations, project tracking and report writing and bid writing
  •  BSc in Physics, MSc in Petroleum Geophysics.
  • Example work: African Petroleum, BP,  Hess, Chariot, Chrysaor, Centrica, Edison, Energean,  Genel, Heritage, KMG, MOL, ONGC, Serept, Trinity, Xcite and international consultancies.  
  • Software: Kingdom Suite and Petrel Geophysics REP and Crystal Ball, RokDoc and Hampson Russell, some experience of DUG Insight, ArcGIS Software, Interactive Petrophysics IP.
  • ERP00046

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